Reworld Media offers its social media as a platform for Gabriel Attal, the French Minister for Education and Youth

To mark the national day of action against bullying in schools on Thursday 9 November 2023, the Reworld Media Group is offering a series of exclusive video interviews with Gabriel Attal, the French Minister for Education and Youth. On this day, these interviews will be distributed on the social media pages of the Aufeminin, Psychologies, Melty and Fraiches brands.

No topic was off limits as the Minister answered questions submitted by followers of Melty and Fraîches, and he even confided in us about his personal experience. He outlined some of the measures being deployed to combat bullying in schools. For Psychologies and Aufeminin he spoke to parents, giving them the keys to preventing and dealing with bullying at school.

The four affinity media brands have over 17 million followers across all their social media accounts.

The French Government’s message and Gabriel Attal’s commitment to raising awareness of, combating and preventing bullying at school are conveyed in 4 exclusive on-camera interviews, each lasting a few minutes:

  • Excerpt from the Fraîches interview: “You don’t need to be afraid. The other people, the ones who are harassing you, are the ones who should be ashamed and afraid. » – Distributed on Thursday 9 November on: TikTok, Instagram
  • Excerpt from the Melty interview: “I was bullied. People insulted me because they saw me as different. I was lucky that I was surrounded by people who supported me.” – Distributed on Thursday 9 November, on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.
  • Excerpt from the Psychologies interview: “I believe that happiness should be a political objective, too!” – Distributed on Thursday 9 November, on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.
  • Excerpt from the Aufeminin interview: “Not wanting to go to school should always be a red flag for parents.” – Distributed on Thursday 9 November, on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

“As a leading group on social media, we have a responsibility when it comes to bullying at school. Every day, we see that this major issue is at the heart of our communities’ concerns. Throughout the week of 6 November, we rolled out a comprehensive programme across all our media outlets to raise awareness, alert and support our followers, including both parents and young people. Given the diversity of our target audiences and the strength of our communities, we felt it was essential to give an extra boost to the campaign launched by Gabriel Attal, the French Minister for Education ». – Claire Sassonia, Social Media Director at Reworld Media.

Reworld Media’s social media division in figures:

Melty: 6.2M cross-platform followers, 39.1M cross-platform video views

Psychologies: 1.9M cross-platform followers, 2.3M cross-platform views

Aufeminin: 5.8M cross-platform followers, 7.6M cross-platform video views

Fraîches: 3.57M cross-platform followers, 14.7M cross-platform video views

More than 80 socially-conscious and responsible media brands make up the Reworld Media group, addressing a global community of 77M fans and producing 50 new cross-platform pieces of content every day. This position as a social media leader comes with a major responsibility as a news outlet and obliges the Group to ensure it distributes only high-quality, verified content.

Sportz, Minute Buzz, Hero and Peaches are also adding their own dedicated features to this special media campaign. This represents more than 30M cross-platform followers.